Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Manga: Lost Universe

"Kane Blueriver and Canal, his AI companion, are trouble contractors who take jobs which require their special skills. This could go from armed escort, to patrol, to capturing dangerous criminals. Milly is a private eye who has to be the best at everything (uchuu ichi!!). When the three of them get together, they run into one mess after another, gradually uncovering more of a mystery that ties the legendary Lost Ships to all of their pasts, bringing them closer and closer to a discovery that something called Nightmare would rather not have them find..." --Mangaupdates

Volumes 1 and 2 scanlated by J-comX and Swordbreaker.

Lost Universe is a very interesting science fiction manga. The art is exceptionally good and the plot is well-built (I believe it's the manga adaptation of a novel?) The characters are also well-developed and fun, and the author does a good job of making the story serious and funny at the same time.

Frankly, I'm surprised that nobody has scanlated volume 3. :P

Anyway, I'm translating it right now. I've done a chapter a day since I started on chapter 14, and I'm on chapter 18 now. ^_^ I'll post it here when CoolSnoops is done scanlating it.

On a side note, I finished Shin Bannou Bunka Neko Musume (a while back, actually). Haven't posted it because CoolSnoops isn't done.
I let Asokagal, a new jp translator at viscans, have 51houhou (I will be checking it) . Hopefully she'll be done with chapter 30 soon xD

Viscans's anniversary is almost here!! :O